> Does anybode have an idea where I might find the > escape sequences to do...
They're all documented in ctlseqs.ms ( some, such as raise and deiconify are implemented in dtterm and XFree86 xterm, but not in 'standard' xterm).
The XFree86 xterm supports ANSI color and VT220 emulation There's an faq at
http://www.clark.net/pub/dickey/xterm/xterm.faq.html ftp://ftp.clark.net/pub/dickey/xterm
> Set header to 'string' > set Icon header to 'string' > Open window (when closed) > raise window to top
my PS1 reads:
PS1='[\h] \W: \[\033]2;[\h] ${PWD}\007\033]1;\W\007\]'
\033]2;[\h] ${PWD}007 sets the window title and \033]1;\W\007 sets the icon name. I use $PWD instead of \w to avoid getting the directory relative to ~, I prefer to have the whole thing on the title bar.
I can't help you with de-iconifing and raising, het spijt me. I would love to have a comprehensive list if anybody knows of one.