

pmap `pidof X`


pmap `pidof XFree86`


you can find out where all that memory's going using my handy pmap utility. Grab it from then compile it and run

pmap `pidof X`


pmap `pidof XFree86`

and you'll get a nicely formatted map showing you what memory your X server is using. Here's a example, from a Matrox II PCI not using DRI:

08048000 (1260 KB)   r-xp (08:06 201038)   /usr/local/opt/XFree86/bin/XFree86
08183000 (180 KB)    rw-p (08:06 201038)   /usr/local/opt/XFree86/bin/XFree86
081b0000 (3984 KB)   rwxp (00:00 0)
40000000 (72 KB)     r-xp (08:01 8494)   /lib/
40012000 (4 KB)      rw-p (08:01 8494)   /lib/
40013000 (4 KB)      rwxp (00:00 0)
40014000 (16 KB)     rw-s (08:01 8523)   /dev/mem
40019000 (112 KB)    r-xp (08:01 8812)   /lib/
40035000 (4 KB)      rw-p (08:01 8812)   /lib/
40036000 (8 KB)      r-xp (08:01 8811)   /lib/
40038000 (8 KB)      rw-p (08:01 8811)   /lib/
4003a000 (848 KB)    r-xp (08:01 8806)   /lib/
4010e000 (16 KB)     rw-p (08:01 8806)   /lib/
40112000 (16 KB)     rw-p (00:00 0)
40116000 (4096 KB)   rw-s (08:01 8523)   /dev/mem
40516000 (8192 KB)   rw-s (08:01 8523)   /dev/mem
40d16000 (64 KB)     rw-s (08:01 8523)   /dev/mem
40d26000 (176 KB)    rw-p (00:00 0)
40d58000 (3308 KB)   rw-p (00:00 0)
bfff2000 (56 KB)     rwxp (00:00 0)
mapped:   22424 KB writable/private: 7756 KB shared: 12368 KB

The first two segments are the binary; the next is the heap (probably), then some libraries and other miscellaneous mappings, then the several large /dev/mem mappings are the device registers and frame buffer.

The interesting number for measuring impact on available physical memory is the last line, "7756 KB writable/private". Although "top" claims that X is taking up 20MB with a RSS of 16MB, in fact there's only 8MB of physical memory allocated (approximately). (I'm pretty sure top counts device mappings as part of RSS.)

I'm leaving out a bunch of nuance here, but that's the gist of the matter. It's also interesting to explore how programs that look big (like xterm) actually are mostly using shared mappings.



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documented on: 2001.03.13 Tue 00:10:58