who accessed the file 

*Tags*: cmd:stat

Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions
> How do we know who accessed the file, is there a way?. We know when it was
> accessed last by looking as `ls -alu file`

You cannot tell who accesses a file. Run "stat filename" will give you just about all the information that is available for a file.


stat typescript
        inode 149959; dev 284; links 1; size 404
        regular; mode is rw-r--r--; uid 35621 (nlong); gid 20 (user)
        projid 0        st_fstype: xfs
        change time - Fri Mar 30 23:36:57 2001 1
        access time - Fri Mar 30 23:37:03 2001 2
        modify time - Fri Mar 30 23:36:57 2001 3

Nick Long