Configuration of SSH daemon

> I would like to enable SSH access to my slackware box from the outside world.

It should be setup pretty well by default. You shouldn't have to do much of anything to get it working except start the server, unless you need some customization of one aspect or another. The config files for it are in /etc/ssh/. And you can start the server by making it's startup script executable:

chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd

and then start it:

/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start

By making the startup script executable, it should be started by default when you boot the PC from then on. If not, then check rc.inet2 to make sure it's not commented out.

documented on: 12-14-03, DaHammer

Configuration of SSH daemon 

if you still can't connect, your workplace firewall may be blocking port 22. A lot of corp. firewalls block that port. You might have to change the default port it listens on. Most corp. firewalls do not block port 53, 80, or 443.

Maybe a little nmap -sS is what you need. I don't know of any better tool to find open ports.

documented on: 12-14-03, timdsmith