>Could you summarize how to mount axe and plato respectfully? Thanks
Okay, here are the steps I had to do to get AXE and PLATO mounted. Please note that I had installed Slackware on my computer myself so some of the options in the kernel may be a bit different on the laptops as the options may already be compiled in! Also I am using kernel version 2.2.18 so the names of the kernel options may differ a bit depending on your kernel options.
1) Recompile the kernel with IPX/SPX support (either as modules or right into the kernel) as well as support for NCP(Novell) File systems (under File systems, network file systems). If you do not know how to do this please refer to the Linux-HOWTO's.
2) Reboot with new kernel, load modules if necessary.
3) Download and install ncpfs (or later) found at: ftp://platan.vc.cvut.cz/pub/linux/ncpfs/
4) Configure your IPX devices by typing (as root) ipx_configure —auto_primary=on —auto_interface=on This will enable IPX for your ethernet cards (eth0 in my case) This is required by the novell file systems.
5) Mount the Novell file systems (may need to be root, depends on how you have your permissions set up. ncpmount -S AXE -U <username> <mount-point> ncpmount -S PLATO -U <username> -b <mount-point>
Plato is the one that I had problems with mounting before because I did not include the -b option, If you do not include that option you will get "No Entry Point" errors. Also there are many other options that you can use with ncpmount, such as -V … to see the full list just type ncpmount -h, and it will list them all . Also, to see a list of NCP servers, user the command "slist" which will produce a server list"
Hope this clears some things up, and not confuses them even more
documented on: 2001.10.25