Using AsciiDoc

Table of Contents

AsciiDoc Usage 
Quick Help 
Detail Help 
How AsciiDoc is used officially 
How AsciiDoc web site is built 
How AsciiDoc user guide is generated 

AsciiDoc Usage 


work on file 

asciidoc /usr/share/doc/asciidoc/article.txt
-n, --section-numbers
       Auto-number HTML article section titles. Synonym for -a

work on pipe 

asciidoc(1) can be used as a filter, so you can pipe chunks of text through it. For example:

$ echo 'Hello *World!*' | asciidoc -s -
<p>Hello <strong>World!</strong></p>

The -s (-no-header-footer) command-line option suppresses header and footer output and is useful if the processed output is to be included in another file.

Quick Help 

To print a help topic specify the topic name as a command argument. Examples:

$ asciidoc --help=manpage
$ asciidoc --help=syntax

The asciidoc(1) -v (-verbose) command-line option displays the order of configuration file loading and warns of potential configuration file problems.

Detail Help 

asciidoc [OPTIONS] FILE


       Define or delete document attribute. ATTRIBUTE is formatted
       like NAME=VALUE. Alternate acceptable forms are NAME (the VALUE
       defaults to an empty string) and NAME! (delete the NAME
       attribute). Values containing spaces should be enclosed in
       double-quote characters.
-b BACKEND, --backend=BACKEND
       Backend output file format: docbook, xhtml11 or html4. Defaults
       to xhtml11.
-f CONF_FILE, --conf-file=CONF_FILE
       Use configuration file CONF_FILE.
-d DOCTYPE, --doctype=DOCTYPE
       Document type: article, manpage or book. The book document type
       is only supported by the docbook backend. Default document type
       is article.
-c, --dump-conf
       Dump configuration to stdout.
-e, --no-conf
       Exclude implicitly loaded configuration files except for those
       named like the input file (infile.conf and
-s, --no-header-footer
       Suppress document header and footer output.
-o OUT_FILE, --out-file=OUT_FILE
       Write output to file OUT_FILE. Defaults to the base name of
       input file with backend extension. If the input is stdin then
       the outfile defaults to stdout. If OUT_FILE is - then the
       standard output is used.
-n, --section-numbers
       Auto-number HTML article section titles. Synonym for -a
-v, --verbose
       Verbosely print processing information and configuration file
       checks to stderr.
-h [TOPIC], --help[=TOPIC]
       Print help TOPIC. --help topics will print a list of help
       topics, --help syntax summarises AsciiDoc syntax, --help
       manpage prints the AsciiDoc manpage.
       Print program version number.