
Shipped Examples 

Python code snippet. This source-highlight filtered block:

''' A multi-line
def sub_word(mo):
    ''' Single line comment.'''
    word = mo.group('word')     # Inline comment
    if word in keywords[language]:
        return quote + word + quote
        return word

Renders this highlighted source code:

''' A multi-line
def sub_word(mo):
    ''' Single line comment.'''
    word = mo.group('word')     # Inline comment
    if word in keywords[language]:
        return quote + word + quote
        return word

Ruby code snippet with line numbering. This source-highlight filtered block:

# Useful Ruby base class extensions.

class Array

  # Execute a block passing it corresponding items in
  # +self+ and +other_array+.
  # If self has less items than other_array it is repeated.

  def cycle(other_array)  # :yields: item, other_item
    other_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
      yield(self[index % self.length], item)


if $0 == __FILE__
  # Array#cycle test
  # true => 0
  # false => 1
  # true => 2
  # false => 3
  # true => 4
  puts 'Array#cycle test'
  [true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
    puts "#{a.inspect} => #{b.inspect}"

Renders this highlighted source code:

00001: #
00002: # Useful Ruby base class tension's.
00003: #
00005: class Array
00007:   # Execute a block passing it corresponding items in
00008:   # +self+ and +other_array+.
00009:   # If self has less items than other_array it is repeated.
00011:   def cycle(other_array)  # :yields: item, other_item
00012:     other_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
00013:       yield(self[index % self.length], item)
00014:     end
00015:   end
00017: end
00019: if $0 == __FILE__
00020:   # Array#cycle test
00021:   # true => 0
00022:   # false => 1
00023:   # true => 2
00024:   # false => 3
00025:   # true => 4
00026:   puts 'Array#cycle test'
00027:   [true, false].cycle([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) do |a, b|
00028:     puts "#{a.inspect} => #{b.inspect}"
00029:   end
00030: end

Extra Examples 

Example 1. C/C++ Header file

/* cmdline.h */

#ifndef CMDLINE_H
#define CMDLINE_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */


struct gengetopt_args_info
  const char *help_help; /* Print help and exit help description.  */
  const char *version_help; /* Print version and exit help description.  */
  char * input_arg;     /* input file. default std input.  */
  char * input_orig;    /* input file. default std input original value given at command line.  */

  int check_outlang_given ;     /* Whether check-outlang was given.  */
  int failsafe_given ;  /* Whether failsafe was given.  */
  int debug_langdef_given ;     /* Whether debug-langdef was given.  */
  int show_regex_given ;        /* Whether show-regex was given.  */

  char **inputs ; /* unamed options */
  unsigned inputs_num ; /* unamed options number */
} ;

extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_purpose;
extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_usage;
extern const char *gengetopt_args_info_help[];

int cmdline_parser (int argc, char * const *argv,
  struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);
int cmdline_parser_file_save(const char *filename,
  struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);

void cmdline_parser_print_help(void);
void cmdline_parser_print_version(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* CMDLINE_H */

Example 2. C/C++ source file

using namespace std;

// global output stream
ostream* sout;

#include "envmapper.h"
#endif // BUILD_AS_CGI

unsigned int line_num_digit = 0; // num of digits to represent line number

gengetopt_args_info args_info ;     // command line structure

static void print_cgi_header();
static void run_ctags(const string &cmd);

StartApp::StartApp() :
    docgenerator(0), formatter(0), preformatter(0),
  langmap(new LangMap), outlangmap(new LangMap), generator_factory(0),
  entire_doc (0), verbose (0), cssUrl (0),
  use_css (0), is_cgi (0), gen_version(true),
  generate_line_num(false), generate_ref(false)

StartApp::start(int argc, char * argv[])
  char *docTitle;
  char *docHeader; // the buffer with the header
  char *docFooter; // the buffer with the footer
  const char *header_fileName = 0;
  const char *footer_fileName = 0;
  unsigned i;
  int v;
  int tabSpaces = 0;

  // map environment to parameters if used as CGI
  char **temp_argv;
  temp_argv = map_environment(&argc, argv);
  is_cgi = temp_argv != argv;
  argv = temp_argv;
#endif // BUILD_AS_CGI

  if((v = cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info)) != 0)
    // calls cmdline parser. The user gived bag args if it doesn't return -1
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (args_info.help_given)
      cout << "GNU ";
      cmdline_parser_print_help ();
      print_reportbugs ();
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  printMessage( argv[0] ) ;

  if (verbose) {
    printMessage("command line arguments: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {

Example 3. Java source file

  This is a classical Hello program
  to test source-highlight with Java programs.

  written by
  Lorenzo Bettini

package hello;

import java.io.* ;

 * <p>
 * A simple Hello World class, used to demonstrate some
 * features of Java source highlighting.
 * </p>
 * TODO: nothing, just to show an highlighted TODO or FIXME
 * @author Lorenzo Bettini
 * @version 2.0
public class Hello {
    int foo = 1998 ;
    int hex_foo = 0xCAFEBABE;
    boolean b = false;
    Integer i = null ;
    char c = '\'', d = 'n', e = '\\' ;
    String xml = "<tag attr=\"value\">&auml;</tag>", foo2 = "\\" ;

    public static void main( String args[] ) {
        // just some greetings ;-)  /*
        System.out.println( "Hello from java2html :-)" ) ;
        System.out.println( "\tby Lorenzo Bettini" ) ;
        System.out.println( "\thttp://www.lorenzobettini.it" ) ;
        if (argc > 0)
            String param = argc[0];
        //System.out.println( "bye bye... :-D" ) ; // see you soon

Example 4. Perl source file

# Here an extract of package MIME::Lite::HTML

package MIME::Lite::HTML;

# module MIME::Lite::HTML : Provide routine to transform a HTML page in
# a MIME::Lite mail
# Copyright 2001 A.Barbet alian@alianwebserver.com.  All rights reserved.

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::LinkExtor;
use URI::URL;
use MIME::Lite;
use strict;

require Exporter;

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();


# redefine get_basic_credentials
    package RequestAgent;
    use vars qw(@ISA);
    @ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent);

    sub get_basic_credentials
          my($self, $realm, $uri) = @_;
          # Use parameter of MIME-Lite-HTML, key LoginDetails
          if (defined $LOGINDETAILS) { return split(':', $LOGINDETAILS, 2); }
          # Ask user on STDIN
          elsif (-t)
                my $netloc = $uri->host_port;
                print "Enter username for $realm at $netloc: ";
                my $user = <STDIN>;
                # 403 if no user given
                return (undef, undef) unless length $user;
                print "Password: ";
                system("stty -echo");
                my $password = <STDIN>;
                system("stty echo");
                print "\n";  # because we disabled echo
                return ($user, $password);
          # Damm we got 403 with CGI (use param LoginDetails)  ...
          else { return (undef, undef) }

Example 5. Php source file


class imgHandling
    public static function genThumbnail($mx, $my, $upload_dir, $fileName, $fileNameNew="")
        if (!$fileNameNew) $fileNameNew = $fileName;
        $thumbnail = new sfThumbnail($mx, $my);
        $thumbnail->loadFile($upload_dir. $fileName);
        $thumbnail->save(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/thumbnails/'.$fileNameNew, 'image/png');

Example 6. Shell source file

# rc file for automount using a Sun-style "master map".
# We first look for a local /etc/auto.master, then a YP
# map with that name

FLAGS="defaults 21"
prog=`basename $DAEMON`

test -e $DAEMON || exit 0

if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
        echo "$0: Unknown system, please port and contact autofs@linux.kernel.org" 1>&2
        exit 1

# Check for all maps that are to be loaded
function getfilemounts()
    if [ -f /etc/auto.master ] ; then
        cat /etc/auto.master | awk '{print $0}' | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' | (
        while read auto_master_in
            if [ "`echo $auto_master_in | grep '^\+'`" = "" ]; then
                echo $auto_master_in
                cat /etc/auto.master | grep '^\+' | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' | (
                    while read map options; do
                        catnismap `echo "$map" | sed -e 's/^\+//'` $options

function getldapmounts()
    if [ -x /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master ]; then
        [ ! -z $LDAPURI ] && export LDAPURI="$LDAPURI"
        [ ! -z $LDAPBASE ] && export LDAPBASE="$LDAPBASE"
        /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master 2> /dev/null
        /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master -m automountMap \
            -e automount -n ou -k cn -v automountInformation 2> /dev/null

case "$1" in
        echo -n 'Starting automounter:'
        echo "Usage: $initdir/autofs {start|stop|restart|reload|status|getmounts|active}" >&2
        exit 1

Example 7. Tex Document

% The following definition changes the font that LaTeX
% uses for the 'Large' font.  I have introduced a typo
% into the definition, "\fontsiz" should be "\fontsize".
% The  first time a \Large font is requested, an error will occur.

This text precedes the first section header.

% Note: LaTeX uses the \Large font in section
% headers...this will fail in a confusing way
% because the error is deep within the definition
% of \section where \Large is used...
\section{First Section}

This is the first and only sentence of the first section.

%%% itemize


  \item This is item 1 and our task has just begun. Blank lines
        before an item have no effect.

  \item This is item 2 and we shall limit to just this few.

        A blank line within an item does create a new paragraph, using the
        indentation of the itemize environment.


        \item A second (nested) itemized list changes the bullet
          and indents another level.


%%% enumerate


  \item This is item 1, and we are having fun.
  \item This is item 2, and it's time to number anew.
    \item Back to item 1, but we are not yet done.
    \item Two is new.
        \item One again!
        \item Two (b) or knot 2b?

%%% description

 \item [Basic Document Preparation.] Knowing how to setup ...
 \item [Making Tables.] \LaTeX~ provides a means ...
 \item [Bibliography.] Knowing how to create a bibliography ...
 \item [Mathematics.] This is the power of \LaTeX~ and one ...
 \item [Graphics.] This has progressed a great deal in the ...
 \item [Other.] There are a great many things to learn ...


Example 8. Xml file

    <rec id="1">
      <stringField>String Value</stringField>
    <rec id="2">
      <stringField>Text Value</stringField>
    <rec id="3">