If you once configured TrueType fonts correct under Linux, you've gotten used to crisp clear smooth fonts. But with RedHat8 came Xft2 - with the possability for anti-aliasing (AA) set as default. Sorry to say, but IMO, both AA and non-AA fonts under Xft2 look like crap. Even the far superior cleartype technology used on MS Windows looks a little blurred to me so I never used it there either.
In order to get non-aliased fonts without the Xft2 hinting making the fonts look like barbed wired:
In KDE: Run qtconfig and disable antialiased font rendering in it for QT. In GTK/Gnome: Add "export GDK_USE_XFT=0" to .bashrc Personally i don't load the "freetype" or "type1" module in XF86Config, but instead use xfs. Then add the truetype fonts you have to a local ~/.fonts directory and while there, run "fc-cache"
(Or else (basically) KDE/Qt or Gnome/GTK doesn't "see" your TT fonts)
Make sure you don't have any funny font-rendering code added in your After a restart all my TT fonts looked like I prefer them; crisp clear and smooth. I've enjoyed TT fonts on RH for the past 4 years and am very pleased with the quality - now also in RH8 :)
If you can't get it going and things look like shit: Compare to this screenshot (COMING) for how things should look. Do NOT believe people who say you should recompile the freetype library in order to make this look good - they are false prophets!