Font Admin For IITRC 


Copy Chinese Fonts From Linux To Solaris


copy to /shared/local/lib/X11/fonts/ 

mv zhfont /shared/local/lib/X11/fonts/
cd /shared/local/lib/X11/fonts/
chown -R root:bin zhfont/
chmod -R g-w,o+r !$

Save previous setting 

cdd tmp
cp /usr/openwin/server/etc/OWconfig .
xlsfonts > fonts0
xset -q
xsel -p > xfp0
cat !$

— The result of 'xset -q' can't be redirected or piped!?

add & reorder the fp 

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfontadm &

— add & reorder the fp (choose Modify Font Path from the Options menu)

The OWconfig get updated but the xset -q show the old.

$ xset fp reset
xset:  bad font path element (#40), possible causes are:
    Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
    Directory missing fonts.dir
    Incorrect font server address or syntax

"Install" the fornts using the default way 

mv zhfont zhfont-toinst

Choose Install from the Fonts menu … none of the fonts are installable under Solaris, Oh, no: the Files list is always greyed out, because the task is to choose a directory (a folder), not a file.

gzip -d *
compress *

— the fonts have to be .Z files, not .gz files.

*N*: - Fonts under console can't be recognized by Solaris, they are ended with .fnt - No .fnt under Solaris font path: ffm /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/ fnt - Got 2 fonts and a big core dump!

Manually Install 

cd /shared/local/lib/X11/fonts
cp -pR zhfont-toinst/X11 zhfont

then replace all .Z with .gz in file 'fonts.dir'

*N*: - 'xset fp reset' just never works - xset fp= works fine - xlsfonts | diff -wu fonts0 - shows new fonts are added.

TrueType fonts under Solaris 

There is a directory: /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/ But it is not in the fp.

No prolem to add the pf in sdtfontadm.

Adding Chinese TTFs. NP! Just that the TTF don't have proper names under Solaris.


head /usr/openwin/server/etc/OWconfig

— get fp

xset fp= ...
xset fp rehash
xlsfonts | do_waitp
xlsfonts | grep -i song

— yes

xlsfonts | diff -wu fonts0 - | do_waitp
xlsfonts | grep -i true

— no, because TTF fonts don't have "true type" in their font names, although sdtfontadm shows so.

$ xlsfonts | diff -wu fonts0 - | grep -B 1 -- '-0-0-0-0-p-0-'

— seem it is just duplication some other scalable fonts.