Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.x Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 14:32:12 -0400
I'm wondering if I can turn off the feature that xfs recreate the font.dir (and other related files) every time when it boots.
Seems such a waste of time to me. :-) More over, it does more harm than good to me, because I have some 2-byte Chinese fonts that are not correctly recognized by mkttf.
I handcrafted the right font.dir and font.scale, but every time they are overwritten by xfs, making those Chinese fonts totally unavailable. I make the font.dir file read only to everyone, and make the directory read only. But xfs bypass all the restrictions and successfully overwrites my handcrafted read only file in a read only directory, claiming total success of the battle I'm fiddling on. :-)
> I'm wondering if I can turn off the feature that xfs recreate the > font.dir (and other related files) every time when it boots.
It doesn't recreate it *every* time. It only regenerates it if there exist fonts in that directory that are newer than the fonts.dir file, at least that is the behavior on redhat linux.
chkfontpath --add /fonts/TrueType/win_zh_CN.0 xlsfonts | grep sim
— double entry
xset -q xset -fp /fonts/TrueType/win_zh_CN.0 xset -q
xlsfonts | grep sim
— single entry now
xfd -fn -microsoft-simhei-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-gb2312.1980-0 &
— can view Chinese chars normally
— Chinese rxvt menu, but no Chinese fonts in date or text.
So, I guess now it is the rxvt that prevents me from moving the Chinese fonts to xfs, because rxvt can't use fonts from xfs.
NO! I started X, but didn't restart xfs!
The fonts.dir DOES get overwritten!
No even Chinese rxvt menu any more. Change to X, and all are back.