Mouse Pointer Speed

Date: May 14 2006
> I have set my mouse pointer speed in Fluxbox using the ~/.fluxbox/startup file
> using the value show below. I've done something similar for the other desktop
> environments that I use on my system, which is to say I have several
> individual settings which all serve to accomplish the same purpose. Is there
> a way I can just pass this value directly to the xorg.conf file and have it
> apply to the entire system? Where would be the correct place to plug in the
> value?
> xset m 3/4 1

You could put such stuff in ~/.xinitrc That are my 3 first lines:

xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
xset dpms 300 400 500
export LANGUAGE=de

Johannes Held

Mouse Pointer Speed 

On Sunday 14 May 2006 09:39, Rohan Dhruva wrote:

> IIRC, ~/.xinitrc is not executed unless you use startx from terminal.
> If you use {k,g,x}dm it wont be executed.

Yeah, I suppose that is where I'm having problems as I use KDM. I've got it fixed in KDE by placing a script in ~/.kde/Autostart.

Still, just a lot of individual configs for each desktop.

Mike McQueen

Mouse Pointer Speed 

> > I know GDM calls from .xprofile, maybe KDM does too since they're both
> > derived from XDM?
> It must not apply with KDM as that file is not on my system.

It wasn't on mine either, but now I use it to call urxvtd with GDM. It's just a non-executable dotfile in my home directory which functions like the .xinitrc does for startx.

Michael Salivar

documented on: 2006.06.19