xterm color scheme 

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.x
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 12:45:51 GMT
> I'm using xterm in Red Hat 7.3. The default color scheme in xterm makes it
> very hard to read bold texts in color (e.g. in man pages, ls --color).
> How do I setup xterm resources to have a color schmeme similar to the "linux
> console" color scheme in gnome-terminal, which is great.
man xterm

color names found with showrgb


XTerm*cursorColor:      Red
XTerm*pointerColor:     Black
XTerm_color*background: Black
XTerm_color*cursorColor: Orchid
XTerm_color*foreground: Wheat

Bit Twister

xterm color scheme 

> man xterm

also colorBD and related resources.

Thomas E. Dickey