
Data acquisition, manipulation, and analysis program for X-Windows

Glove was developed for use in Caltech physics labs to provide an interface to data acquisition systems, sophisticated (and correct) statistical analysis, a flexible plotting tool, and the ability to easily and intuitively manipulate the data.

latest release: 1.0.1 on Jun 28th 1999
date added: Feb 2nd 1999
category: X11/Scientific Applications
license: OpenSource

GNU Oleo Free spreadsheet application 

latest release: 1.99.12 on Jul 25th 2000
date added: Oct 9th 1998
category: X11/Desktop
license: GPL

GNU Plotutils Utilities for plotting scientific data 

latest release: 2.4.1 on Jul 5th 2000
date added: Jun 24th 1998
category: Console/Scientific Applications
license: GPL


Plotting package, output to X11, postscript, png, gif and others

latest release: 3.7.1 on Nov 24th 1999
date added: Jan 23rd 1999
category: X11/Scientific Applications
license: freely distributable