No such user !

Date: 2001-09-29 12:27:29 PST

I've got a stange error message with cvs. How did I install it: I installed it with apt-get from my Debian.

  1. /etc/inetd.conf:

    cvspserver      stream  tcp     nowait.400      root    /usr/sbin/tcpd
    /usr/sbin/cvs-pserver --allow-root=/var/lib/cvs
  2. ls -l /var/lib

    drwxrwsr-x    3 root     src          4096 Sep 29 20:15 cvs
  3. cat /var/lib/cvs/CVSROOT/passwd

  4. cat /var/lib/cvs/CVSROOT/writers

  5. export of the user fly:

    export CVSROOT=:pserver:fly@ostium:/var/lib/cvs

The user fly can login without any troubles but when I do:

cvs import -m "Management Clients Companies project" mcc ostium start

I 've got an error message:

Fatal error, aborting.
cvsuser: no such user

No such user ! 

I do have a hunch that the passwd file above is describing that when the cvsuser "fly" logs into cvs, then cvs should change userid to the system user "cvsuser", which doesn't exist in /etc/passwd. Try adding the user cvsuser in /etc/passwd, or use the "adduser" command to add the user.