To convert your TrueType fonts into Type1 fonts, go to and get ttf2pt1. To convert a TrueType to a Type1 font, use the following syntax:
ttf2pt1 -b file.ttf name
Where name is the name of the file corresponding to the new Type1 font ( ie it's arbitrary. It's a good idea to make it the same as the ttf file. eg ttf2pt1 -b foo.ttf foo.
Well, that worked fine for one font. If we have a lot, we need a smarter way to do it. One can just just use a loop:
for X in *.ttf; do ttf2pt1 -b $X ${X%%.ttf}; done
Alternatively, you can download the ttfutils package and use ttf2type1 for the conversions.
ttf2type1 *.ttf
Copyright 2005
documented on: 2006.04.23