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> I've got a truetype font and i need to output a > .dvi/.ps file using that font. How do i do it?
If you are using a Unix/Linux system, there is a shell-script available which will do pretty much all of the work for you: see There is good documentation with the script which explains what needs to be done to install TrueType fonts — you may want to read it even if you can't use the script. Essentially the same method (though done manually) is described at
Note that there are two (at least) methods of using TTF's with TeX. You can convert the TTF's to Postscript Type 1 fonts, and then install and use them as you would any other Type1 font. This is the method described by the document in the /info/truetype (IIRC) directory of CTAN. The problem with this is that there is always a loss of quality in the translation --- some fonts I have tried converting this way end up looking downright nasty.
Much better (and this is how the linked documents above do it) is to use the program ttf2pk — which employs the FreeType library, available for all platforms from CTAN (and, if you run Linux, it's probably already part of your system) — which creates pk files `on the fly' directly from the .ttf file, when they are needed in the document. TTF files can also be embedded directly into a PDF document, and PDFTeX can do it; the explanations are given at the links above.
> > TTF files can also be embedded directly into a PDF document, and > > PDFTeX can do it; the explanations are given at the links above. > > Do they appear scalable or as bitmaps?
They are embedded as vector fonts if all is configured correctly. BTW: dvips can embed TrueType fonts as vector fonts, too.