

I'm no longer supporting this. I hope somebody can step forward and take over. Whoever does, please let me know, and I'll put a link here for you.


For all you people without a .cue, try this:

bin2iso new.cue -c your.bin
bin2iso new.cue

The first line attempts to make a .cue. This works well for single data track cd's, but not so well for audio or multi track cds. So I'd try a Re-writable first…

I finally got a CDRWIN supported CDR drive, so I'm releasing bin2iso to the public. The 19b zip file and bin2iso19b.c file are available below. Have fun.

Bin2iso Links:

bin2iso v1.7 bin2iso v1.8b bin2iso v1.9b bin2iso v1.9b c file readme And for those linux people… bin2iso v1.9b for linux

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /~doiron/bin2iso/linux/ on this server.

bin2iso rpm

documented on: 2004.04.07