Non-Iso CD Formats

Table of Contents

Basic Info 
permission to setup real time scheduling 
Version 1.1.8 
L-EC error 
Related Urls 
CD ripping & burning 
CD Image Format Guide 
CD image formats 
Which is better, a bin/cue image or an .iso image? 
How do I convert a bin/cue image into an .iso image? 
Quick Command Reference 
Burning a CDROM from a bin/cue file 
Burning under kernel version 2.4 or less 
Burning under kernel version 2.6 or higher 
Common options for cdrdao 
Mounting a BIN/CUE or IMG/CUE file 
Mount ISO image 
Related Urls 
Mount ISO (support CloneCD files CCD/IMG/SUB) 
Test Run 
cdemu — CD drive emulator for Linux 
cdemu — CD drive emulator for Linux 
cdemu — CD drive emulator for Linux 
You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent! 
You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent! 
You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent! 
You can now mount bin/cue files! Daemon tools equivalent! 
bin2iso rpm 
How to convert a BIN file to an ISO file 
Getting BIN2ISO 
Convert BIN to ISO 
MDF/MDS files 
Converting a .MDF image to ISO 
File Extension Details for .MDS 
Google Linux 


Basic Info 


export CDR_DEVICE=0,0,0
export CDR_DEVICE='0,1,0 --driver generic-mmc-raw'
# to burn a bin/cue image
cdrdao write --eject --device $CDR_DEVICE --speed 16 "$ToBurn"
# to make a bin/cue image
rm -f $iname.bin $iname.toc; time cdrdao read-cd --device $CDR_DEVICE --speed 48 --datafile $iname.bin $iname.toc
time cdrdao write --eject --device $CDR_DEVICE --speed 16 "$iname.toc"; rm -f $iname.toc
time cdrdao copy --eject --source-device 0,1,0 --source-driver generic-mmc-raw --device 0,0,0 --speed 16

NB, that it ignore the 'L-EC error' by default.


Disk-At-Once Recording of Audio and Data CD-Rs/CD-RWs


Cdrdao records audio or data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode based on a textual description of the CD contents.

Advantages of Disk-At-Once (DAO) Recording 

Recording in disk-at-once mode writes the complete disc, i.e. lead-in, one or more tracks and lead-out, in a single step. The commonly used track-at-once (TAO) mode writes each track independently which requires link blocks between two tracks. Older CD-recorder models forced a two second pause (pre-gap) between two tracks whereas newer models allow adjusting of the pause length in TAO mode reducing the number of link blocks to a minimal amount. However, with TAO it is generally not possible to define the data that is written in pre-gaps. But exactly this feature makes audio CD recording interesting, e.g. by creating hidden bonus tracks or track intros in pre-gaps like it is common habit on commercial CDs.

Finally, DAO recording is the only way to write data to the unused R-W sub-channels for e.g. CD-G or CD-TEXT.


  • Full control over length and contents of pre-gaps (pause areas between tracks). Pre-gaps may be completely omitted, e.g. for dividing live recordings into tracks.
  • Control over sub-channel data like: o catalog number o copy, pre-emphasis, 2-/4-channel flags o ISRC code o index marks
  • Support for exact audio, data and mixed mode CD copying.
  • Support for R-W sub-channel writing.
  • Tracks may be composed of different audio files supporting non destructive cut.
  • Accepts WAVE and raw audio files.
  • CD-TEXT reading and writing with drives that support it.
  • CDDB access to automatically create CD-TEXT data.
  • Support for on-the-fly copying.



track mode 

Starts a new track, the track number is incremented by 1. The length of a track must be at least 4 seconds.

The block length of the input data depends on the <track-mode>:

AUDIO: 2352 bytes (588 samples),
MODE1: 2048 bytes,
MODE1_RAW: 2352 bytes,
MODE2: 2336 bytes,
MODE2_FORM1: 2048 bytes,
MODE2_FORM2: 2324 bytes,
MODE2_FORM_MIX: 2336 bytes including the sub-header,
MODE2_RAW: 2352 bytes.

The <sub-channel-mode> is optional. If given it specifies the type of sub-channel data for each sector. RW: packed R-W sub-channel data (96 bytes, L-EC data will be generated if required), RW_RAW: raw R-W sub-channel data (interleaved and L-EC data already calculated, 96 bytes).

The block length is increased by the sub-channel data length if a <sub-channel-mode> is specified. If the input data length is not a multiple of the block length it will be padded with zeros.

At least one of the following statements must appear to specify the data for the current track. Lengths and start positions may be expressed in samples (1/44100 seconds) for audio tracks or in bytes for data tracks. It is also possible to give the length in blocks with the MSF format 'MM:SS:FF' specifying minutes, seconds and frames (0 <= 'FF' < 75) . A frame equals one block.

permission to setup real time scheduling 

> "WARNING: No super user permission to setup real time scheduling."
> Where can i set the permessions?

You have to setuid root your cdrdao binary to get rid of this:

> chmod u+s /usr/bin/cdrdao
> ls -l /usr/bin/cdrdao
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root   root   532292 Oct 16 01:58 /usr/bin/cdrdao

Joern Reder

Version 1.1.8 

Test Run 

% cdrdao write --device $CDR_DEVICE test.cue
Cdrdao version 1.1.8 - (C) Andreas Mueller <>
 SCSI interface library - (C) Joerg Schilling
 Paranoia DAE library - (C) Monty
Check for current driver tables.
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'
0,0,0: SONY CD-RW  CRX195E1     Rev: ZYS5
WARNING: Cannot read driver table from file "/usr/share/cdrdao/drivers" - using built-in table.
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
Starting write at speed 4...
Pausing 10 seconds - hit CTRL-C to abort.
Process can be aborted with QUIT signal (usually CTRL-\).
Turning BURN-Proof on
Enabling JustSpeed.
Using 16 byte P-Q sub-channel data mode.
Executing power calibration...
Power calibration successful.
Writing lead-in and gap...
Writing track 01 (mode MODE1/AUDIO )...
Wrote 1 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 2 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 564 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 565 of 565 MB (Buffers 100%  99%).
Wrote 251907 blocks. Buffer fill min 100%/max 100%.
Writing lead-out...
Wrote 15 of 15 MB.
Flushing cache...
Writing finished successfully.

documented on: 2004.04.11

% cdrdao read-cd --device $CDR_DEVICE test.toc
Cdrdao version 1.1.8 - (C) Andreas Mueller <>
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'
0,0,0: SONY CD-RW  CRX195E1     Rev: ZYS5
WARNING: Cannot read driver table from file "/usr/share/cdrdao/drivers" - using built-in table.
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
Reading toc and track data...
Track   Mode    Flags  Start                Length
 1      DATA    4      00:00:00(     0)     00:20:00(  1500)
 2      DATA    4      00:20:00(  1500)     00:21:46(  1621)
 3      DATA    4      00:41:46(  3121)     00:06:27(   477)
 4      DATA    4      00:47:73(  3598)     00:06:22(   472) 5      DATA    4      00:54:20(  4070)     01:55:36(  8661)
 6      DATA    4      02:49:56( 12731)     01:05:04(  4879)
 7      DATA    4      03:54:60( 17610)     00:06:22(   472) 8      DATA    4      04:01:07( 18082)     36:49:29(165704)
 9      DATA    4      40:50:36(183786)     00:06:27(   477)10      DATA    4      40:56:63(184263)     00:54:68(  4118)
Leadout DATA    4      41:51:56(188381)
PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is BCD.
Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:00:00, length 00:20:00 to "data.bin"...
Copying data track 2 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:20:00, length 00:21:46 to "data.bin"...
Copying data track 3 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:41:46, length 00:06:27 to "data.bin"...
Copying data track 7 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 03:54:60, length 00:06:22 to "data.bin".
Copying data track 8 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 04:01:07, length 36:49:29 to "data.bin".
Copying data track 9 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 40:50:36, length 00:06:27 to "data.bin".
Copying data track 10 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 40:56:63, length 00:54:68 to "data.bin"
Reading of toc and track data finished successfully.
$ cdrdao copy --eject --source-device 0,1,0 --source-driver generic-mmc-raw --device 0,0,0 --speed 16
0,0,0: SONY CD-RW  CRX195E1     Rev: ZYS5
WARNING: Cannot read driver table from file "/usr/share/cdrdao/drivers" - using built-in table.
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
0,1,0: Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1712 Rev: 1808
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
Starting CD copy at speed 16...
Track   Mode    Flags  Start                Length
 1      DATA    4      00:00:00(     0)     00:14:00(  1050)
 2      DATA    4      00:14:00(  1050)     00:14:17(  1067)
 3      DATA    4      00:28:17(  2117)     46:52:16(210916)
Leadout DATA    4      47:20:33(213033)
PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is BCD.
Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:00:00, length 00:14:00 to "cddata4118.bin"...
Copying data track 2 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:14:00, length 00:14:17 to "cddata4118.bin"...
Copying data track 3 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:28:17, length 46:52:16 to "cddata4118.bin"...
Turning BURN-Proof on
Enabling JustSpeed.
Using 16 byte P-Q sub-channel data mode.
Executing power calibration...
Power calibration successful.
Writing lead-in and gap...
Writing track 01 (mode MODE2_RAW/AUDIO )...
Wrote 1 of 477 MB (Buffers 100%  97%).

L-EC error 

PQ sub-channel reading (data track) is supported, data format is BCD.
Raw P-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_FORM_MIX): start 00:00:00, length 00:14:00 to "wyn.bin"...
ERROR: L-EC error around sector 884 while copying data from track.
ERROR: Use option '--read-raw' to ignore L-EC errors.
$ cdrdao read-cd --device $CDR_DEVICE --read-raw --datafile $iname.bin $iname.toc
Cooked R-W sub-channel reading (data track) is supported.
Copying data track 1 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:00:00, length 00:14:00 to "wyn.bin"...
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 898 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 899 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 900 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 901 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 902 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 903 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 904 - ignored.
Copying data track 2 (MODE2_RAW): start 00:14:00, length 00:08:52 to "wyn.bin"...
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1550 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1551 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1552 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1553 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1554 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1555 - ignored.
WARNING: Found L-EC error at sector 1556 - ignored.