DVDAuthor: Mode - Create IFOs 


 Author: VIK
Posted it: Lun 20 Dec 2004

Software Necessary:

Another small guide explaining how to recreate IFOs files starting from VOBs files.

This method has like large advantages:

Finally it is the first initiation with this splendid software continuation which is DVDAuthor.


  • Decompresser dvdauthor-0.6.9-win32.rar with the root of your hard disk (C: \ in what relates to me) in a repertory that we will name DVDAuthor .
  • Decompresser contents of vStrip_08f.zip directly in the DVDAuthor repertory.
  • To copy the VOBs files in the C:\DVDAuthor repertory


vStrip has as large advantage of being able splitter of the files directly since the hard disk, with or without IFOs files.

  • In the DVDAuthor repertory to create a textual file with the Scratch pad of Windows (to call it Voblist
  • To publish the Voblist file and to inform the site and the name of the VOBs files to stripper.



  • Since small Windows to make start > To carry out and to type cmd then to validate for OK .


  • to position in line of order in the DVDAuthor repertory and to recopy the line of order as follows, then to validate by the Enter key of the keyboard:

vstrip @voblist.txt - C - oPGC.VOB


Some explanations:

  • @Voblist.txt: allows to indicate like source a succession of VOBs files.
  • - C: splitter VOBs by VobCellID allows.
  • - oPGC.VOB: to name the output files.

At the end of the process, you will notice a listing of various flows met:

In 0x2? They are tracks of subtitles (6 tracks in the example). In 0x8? They are the audio tracks (2 audio tracks).



If you find files of 10/12 kilos: remove to them repertory. In fact videos were created artificially by the program of authoring to pass from the command sequences. They are useless and prejudicial with the project.


  • In C:\DVDAuthor to create a new textual file with the scratch pad of Windows.
  • To call this DVDAuthor.xml file for example.
  • To publish the file and to copy following information:

    < dvdauthor >
    < vmgm >
    </vmgm >
    < titleset >
    < titles >
    < pgc >
    < vob file = ""/>
    </pgc >
    </titles >
    </titleset >
    </dvdauthor >
  • These some lines are the minimal structure, the skeleton which our script must have to be dealt with by DVDAuthor.

    • vmgm…/vmgm: it is all that relates to VideoManager: VIDEO_TS.VOB.
    • titleset…/titleset: determine the number and the order of VTS on the DVD.
    • titles…/title: determine the number and the order of the Title in the VTS.
    • pgc…/pgc: determine the number and the order of PGCs in Title.
    • vob file: it is the source, le/les input files which will constitute the PGC in progress


It is enough to indicate in script the files constituting our PGC.


< dvdauthor >
< vmgm >
</vmgm >
< titleset >
< titles >
< pgc >
< vob file="PGC_V0C01.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C02.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C03.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C04.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C05.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C06.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C07.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C08.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C09.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C10.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C11.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C12.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C13.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C14.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C15.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C16.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C17.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C18.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C19.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C20.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C21.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C22.VOB "/>
</pgc >
</titles >
</titleset >
</dvdauthor >


In the state of current script DVDAuthor will create as much chapter than of files met. Thus in my example I will have 22 chapters.


One can on the other hand imagine to gather certain cells (even very to have a single chapter).


< dvdauthor >
< vmgm >
</vmgm >
< titleset >
< titles >
< pgc >
< vob file="PGC_V0C01.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C02.VOB ">
< cell/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C03.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C04.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C05.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C06.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C07.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C08.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C09.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C10.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C11.VOB ">
< cell/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C12.VOB ">
< cell/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C13.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C14.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C15.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C16.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C17.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C18.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C19.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C20.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C21.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
< vob file="PGC_V0C22.VOB ">
< cell chapter="1 "/>
</vob >
</pgc >
</titles >
</titleset >
</dvdauthor >




For an exhaustive list of the languages codes .


< dvdauthor >
< vmgm >
</vmgm >
< titleset >
< titles >
< audio lang="FR "/>
< audio lang="EN "/>
< audio lang="EL "/>
< audio lang="JA "/>
< subpicture lang="FR "/>
< subpicture lang="EN "/>
< subpicture lang="JA "/>
< subpicture lang="ES "/>
< subpicture lang="NL "/>
< subpicture lang="FR "/>
< pgc >
< vob file="PGC_V0C01.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C02.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C03.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C04.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C05.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C06.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C07.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C08.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C09.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C10.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C11.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C12.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C13.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C14.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C15.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C16.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C17.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C18.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C19.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C20.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C21.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C22.VOB "/>
</pgc >
</titles >
</titleset >
</dvdauthor >

In accordance with my example I have 4 Audios tracks (the 0x80=FRANCAIS, 0x81=ANGLAIS, 0x82=GREC and 0x83=JAPONAIS) and 6 tracks of subtitles (0x20=FRANCAIS, 0x21=ANGLAIS, 0x22=JAPONAIS, 0x23=ESPAGNOL, 0x24=NEERLANDAIS and 0x25=FRANCAIS).

3. TO FORCE the POSTING Of A TRACK OF Subtitles 

There are mainly three statutes relating to the management of the subtitles as regards Authoring:

1st case: the activation of the track is not dealt with in the options of navigation of the DVD. It is the user who will have by the means remote control to choose it the posting of the desired track. The statute of the track is not defined .

In the preceding example I defined 6 tracks of subtitles. If I compile the project immediately I should use my remote control to force the posting of one of the tracks of subtitles at the time of the Playback.

2nd case: The track of subtitle is charged at the time of the playback with film using Pre Command in FirstPlay or while passing by the Menu of the languages. The statute of the track passes to ONE .

Let us imagine that I want to force the posting of the totality of the subtitles contained in my first track subtitles. In this case I simply will add Pre Command.


< dvdauthor >
< vmgm >
</vmgm >
< titleset >
< titles >
< audio lang="FR "/>
< audio lang="EN "/>
< audio lang="EL "/>
< audio lang="JA "/>
< subpicture lang="FR "/>
< subpicture lang="EN "/>
< subpicture lang="JA "/>
< subpicture lang="ES "/>
< subpicture lang="NL "/>
< subpicture lang="FR "/>
< pgc >
< pre >
</pre >
< vob file="PGC_V0C01.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C02.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C03.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C04.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C05.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C06.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C07.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C08.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C09.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C10.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C11.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C12.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C13.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C14.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C15.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C16.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C17.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C18.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C19.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C20.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C21.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C22.VOB "/>
</pgc >
</titles >
</titleset >
</dvdauthor >


64 to force track 1 65 for track 2 … 95 for track 32 .

3rd case: A principal track contains forced subtitles. To post only the secondary subtitles: the statute of the track requires to have passed to OFF . - the principle is identical but in this case one works on the beach 0-31 .


< dvdauthor >
< vmgm >
</vmgm >
< titleset >
< titles >
< audio lang="FR "/>
< audio lang="EN "/>
< audio lang="EL "/>
< audio lang="JA "/>
< subpicture lang="FR "/>
< subpicture lang="EN "/>
< subpicture lang="JA "/>
< subpicture lang="ES "/>
< subpicture lang="NL "/>
< subpicture lang="FR "/>
< pgc >
< pre >
</pre >
< vob file="PGC_V0C01.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C02.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C03.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C04.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C05.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C06.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C07.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C08.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C09.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C10.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C11.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C12.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C13.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C14.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C15.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C16.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C17.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C18.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C19.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C20.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C21.VOB "/>
< vob file="PGC_V0C22.VOB "/>
</pgc >
</titles >
</titleset >
</dvdauthor >


In this example, I make so that is posted only the subtitles marked as forced contained in the first track of subtitles.


To add the pallet which will compose the DVD, it is enough to create a file indexing the 16 colors coded on 6 digits into hexadecimal .

  • To create a file palette.txt in the C:\DVDAuthor repertory .
  • To publish the file and to recopy the values as follows then to record the modifications.


  • Remainder to refer to the file palette.txt in script XML .


< dvdauthor >
< vmgm >
</vmgm >
< titleset >
< titles >
       <audio lang="FR" />
       <audio lang="EN" />
       <audio lang="EL" />
       <audio lang="JA" />
       <subpicture lang="FR" />
       <subpicture lang="EN" />
       <subpicture lang="JA" />
       <subpicture lang="ES" />
       <subpicture lang="NL" />
       <subpicture lang="FR" />
          <pgc palette="palette.txt" >
               <vob file="PGC_V01C01.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C02.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C03.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C04.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C05.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C06.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C07.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C08.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C09.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C10.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C11.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C12.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C13.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C14.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C15.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C16.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C17.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C18.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C19.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C20.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C21.VOB" />
               <vob file="PGC_V01C22.VOB" />


Copyright c 20/12/2004 : VIK Document soumis au Copyleft : cette oeuvre est libre, vous pouvez la redistribuer et/ou la modifier selon les termes de la Licence Art Libre. Cliquez ici pour afficher un exemplaire de cette Licence.