DVD With Subtitles

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Converting subtitles to text format 
DVDAuthor: Mode - Create IFOs 

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I just tested the subtitles and they are worked fine for me. Initially they were green and blue, so I changed the color using IFOEdit to SRT2SUP standard colors, and they became black with white ouline. OF course iI wanted the other way around (white with black outline), but the subtitles are OK, not blurry or unreadable, just the colors are not the ones I am used. But it's just a matter of figuring out the correct set of colors.

This is what I did: created with Subtitle WorkShop, converted using SubStation Alpha (I felt a bit lazy to update my Subtitle WorkShop now), rendered using Maestro SBT. Muxed using submux-dvd, compiled using MingW with no changes in the original source code other than putting a line of code that was saparated by "\" in many lines togheter in one (this was causing errors).

I used Baldrick compile of DVDAuthor, I didn't manage to compile it yet. Tested using PowerDVD and my Philco DVP-2500, subs look the same in both. Also no positioning problems (check MaestroSBT configuration). I can't tell you about synch issues since I muxed a sub that had nothing to do with the actual video, just for testing purposes.

By the way, do you know the MinGW developer studio? It's a free Visual Studio like IDE, using MinGW and WxWindows. I love this one!

vmesquita287 posted 2003 Oct 12

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That is great news VMesquita!

I'm glad the MaestroSBT path worked for you.

If you enter below color settings from "menu.txt" of Dvdauthor in a file "yuvpalette.txt" and use the -p yuvpalette.txt option of Dvdauthor your colors will be correct:


I think that you are aware that, now Submux/Submux-DVD works in a windows environment together with the Subtitle Workshop/MaestroSBT/Ifoedit approach, it is an additional freeware solution for a problem that many windows users asked for in the forums:

"How can I mux a subtitle in an existing DVD VOB/mpg?"

Well, you can use the above approach (even without Dvdauthor if you don't need authoring) and use Ifoedit to create a new subtitle-aware ifo and enter the color palette shown above.

Panteltje deserves all the credit, he created Submux for the unix/linux environment.

Together with DVDauthor it would be a full package. I hope that Baldrick succeeds on the GUI, the alpha looks promising.


Compugup posted 2003 Oct 12

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> > Lordsmurf, The same resource used for subs (subpicture) is also used for
> > menus.
> I thought subtitles and subpictures used different routines. Maye not. :(

Both subtitles & menus use subpictures (2-bit RLE images). The key difference is that menus include a "Button Information Table" which contains details about coords, colours & action commands.

ChrissyBoy posted 2003 Oct 13

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There's a new mode: DVD with NAV packets (what is in fact a VOB, a believe). This would be useful for creating VOBs to import in DVDLab with subs. I guess now the correct option for just muxing is no longer -f 8, but -f 9. I'll test and post the results later.

vmesquita287 posted 2003 Oct 23

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I now use the text, outline, alias option in the rendering menu which gives better subs.

I created a new palette for subtitles titles (purple/light-light yellow/black/light-medium yellow=background/text/outline/alias) for dvda and Im using the palette I posted earlier for the menu-related titles.

This is my rgb subtitle (not for buttons) palette (use .rgb extension):



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> > Rendering of text subtitles (.srt, .sub, .ssa and many others) to graphics
> How exactly do I that? Can't find any documentation about it.

You are correct, documentation is still under construction:

Spumux is now able to handle text subtitles which will be rendered to graphics. A lot of different text formats are supported (.sub, .srt, .ssa, .smi, .rt , .txt, .aqt, .jss, .js, .ass), Spumux will try to determine the format automatically.

Following XML-file gives an example and also contains the default settings, only the textsub filename is mandatory. If you're fine with the default settings you don't have to include them in your XML.

      <textsub filename="demo1.srt"
       characterset="ISO8859-1" fontsize="28.0" font="tahoma.ttf"
       horizontal-alignment="left" vertical-alignment="bottom"
       left-margin="60" right-margin="60" top-margin="20" bottom-margin="30"
       movie-fps="25" movie-width="720" movie-height="574"/>

[In the above, e.g. <bottom-margin> could be splitted by the forum-editor but it needs to be one solid string]

You need (if you are not using the Windows binaries compiled package) to install the freetype2 (http://www.freetype.org) package and provide at least one font (for Windows binaries users: Spumux will look in your windows directory for the font).

If you don't have timed subs (frame numbers in the text file in stead of time stamps), you need to provide the sub fps and the movie fps, then Spumux will automatically re-calculate the timings.

Default, Spumux will use the unicode character set.

If you install the iconv (included in the Windows binaries) package, Spumux will be able to handle a flood of character sets (Japanese, Hebrew etc.).

In Europe the iso8859-1 font is very popular (supports e.g. French accented characters).

If you install the fribidi (included in the Windows binaries) package, Spumux will also support right to left writing.

Spumux is able to handle a textsub stream OR a menu/spu stream, they can't be handled both together.

If you compile the package yourself then it may be necessary to manually enable the iconv and fribidi options in config.h (that is fixed already in the alpha releases).

Compugup posted 2003 Dec 18

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there is no "full" documentation for dvdauthor. The best soure for additional information is the mailing list: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=13261

borax posted 2005 Feb 06

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> > What kind of development environment are you using (tools, compiler,
> > programming language, OS, platform etc.)?
> At this time, the gui is written completely in Visual Basic. Ive considered
> porting to a more portable language, but I haven't decided which way to go
> yet. I was reading up on wxwindows, and considered trying to write the gui
> using the MinGW studio ide.

Some Advice. Use MinGW as the compiler, BloodShed DevC` as IDE, WxWindows as multiplataform GUI and etc lib, wxGlade as GUI designer, Inno Setup Compiler to create setups. A Full Powerfull and free C` developer KIT! I used MinGW developer studio a while ago (it's also good) but I figured out Dev-C++ is more powerful and still free.

vmesquita287 posted 2003 Dec 18