boot grml_iso from HD 

Newsgroups:  gmane.linux.distributions.grml.user
Date:        Thu, 27 Apr 2006 23:33:27 +0000

You can boot grml_iso from HD without grml_CD. Condition: you must have a linux partition with grub as linux loader on your HD.

Here is a way to do so:

  1. copy grml_iso to a partition on HD: (hda5 as example). grml tohd=/dev/hda5
  2. reboot to your linux box.(my / is on /dev/hda5).
  3. create grml directory in /boot of your linux partition : as root mkdir /boot/grml
  4. copy the files "linux26" and "minirt26.gz" from grml_CD/boot/isolinux to /boot/grml
  5. edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to add entry for grml. here is as example the entry of grml in my /boot/grub/menu.lst

    # this entry boot grml from iso_image  on /dev/hda5
    title   Grml
            root  (hd0,4)
            kernel  /boot/grml/linux26  fromhd=/dev/hda5 vga=797  ramdisk=100000
            initrd  /boot/grml/minirt26.gz
  6. it's all. reboot and pick Grml at grub menu.


boot grml_iso from HD 

>  6. it's all. reboot and pick Grml at grub menu.

Thanks a lot for writing down the necessary steps! I've added it to the grml-wiki at
