> I've been trying for several weeks to make my grml USB pen bootable. I > think I finally found the problem, quite a simple one -- I need a initrd > which has findfs to find the root device.
Huh?! grml provides a dialog for building an initrd within grml2hd. Booting from USB should work stright forward, with grml2hd for hd installations and grml2usb for grml in live-cd mode on usb devices.
> However, I didn't find a initrd in my grml2hd disk, and neither the > minirt26.gz borrowed from grml_small_0.3.iso works.
> So, is there anywhere I can get a grml initrd, or I have to build one > myself? If so, any good source of info for the building?
,---- [ % grml-tips initramfs ] | Install initrd via initramfs-tools for currently running kernel: | | # update-initramfs -u -t -k $(uname -r) `----