making a program start up when X loads 

Jun 3 06:32:02 CST 2004

> Is there a sane way of enabling gkrellm (or any program)to load when X
> loads? kinda like items that are placed in a windows start menu effect...
> just saves a few clicks here and there

If you're using KDE, just put a link to gkrellm in ~/.kde/AutoStart

either a symlink or a script that runs it will do fine.

Steve Pryde

making a program start up when X loads 

> im loggin in via session manager, (not typing startx from the shell)
> and im using gnome ..

in that case, open the gnome control center, go to 'advanced' and open 'Sessions'.

You can just add programs to the list under the 'startup programs' tab :-)

otherwise, the ~/.xsession option should work in any case, no matter what you're running.

Steve Pryde