Gnome Startup

Table of Contents

X and Gnome session startup 
Session manager 
How gnome-session works 
Start Fcitx 
Under KDE 
Gnome session startup programs 
Gnome session startup programs 
Gnome session startup programs 
startup applications 
making a program start up when X loads 
making a program start up when X loads 
equivalent of .xinitrc ? 
equivalent of .xinitrc ? 

X and Gnome session startup

Session manager 

/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession checks which session manager /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager is pointed to. If it is gnome-session, DESKTOP is set to gnome. If it is startkde, DESKTOP is set to kde. (DESKTOP determines which desktop 45xsession will run.)

/etc/X11/Xsession.d/55gnome-session_gnomerc determines if /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager is /usr/bin/gnome-session. If it is true, it sources ~/.gnomerc.

How gnome-session works 

/usr/bin/gnome-session will look for user's own session file ~/.gnome2/session. If it is not present, the system's default /usr/share/gnome/default.session is used.