set [no]surface set data style linespoints set [no]hidden3d
set contour set grid
#available when splot 'datafile' instead of matrix set xrange [10:90] set yrange [2:9]
splot 'datafile' splot 'rslt.mat.te' matrix
show view set view up-down, left-right, 1, 1
set terminal gif set output '111.gif'
set terminal postscript eps color set output ''
datafile format 15 2 13.0 15 3 12.7 [...] 15 7 13.6
matrix file format 18.1 17.6 17.9 17.9 18.3 18.9 19.7 20.3 18.5 18.7 20.3 18.9 19.2 20.7 19.9 20.4 [...] 18.8 19.0 20.4 19.0 19.3 20.7 19.9 20.4
command splot is for 3-D plotting command plot is for 2-D plotting
gnuplot plots 2d and 3d graphs, from a data file or with a formula. It has an interactive mode with online help, or it can be used non-interactively.
gnuplot does function fitting to data sets, and it does output to many terminals, among which are postscript, X11 display, PNG and GIF (via the old gd library).
gnuplot user manual
gnuplot for Latex
The new, official web site for gnuplot is now at
The manual for gnuplot 3.7.1.
Bernhard Reiter: Gnuplot - Scientific Plotting
The old gnuplot pages at Dartmouth
The newer pages
An Introduction to GnuPlot at the University of Northern
A brief gnuplot tutorial by Henri Gavin
A vastly improved gnuplot-mode.el for Emacs or XEmacs
A Bourne shell based gnuplot frontend by Michael Sternberg
A perl script to create filled boxes with the postscript
terminal, by Andreas Widmann. The script draws boxed keys, and
fills (and outlines) boxes by post-processing gnuplot postscript
cd demo PATH=..:$PATH ../gnuplot all.dem
rpm -ivv
pkg=gnuplot make -n install | tee /export/pub/installs/logs/$pkg.log.0 make install | tee /export/pub/installs/logs/$pkg.log.1
File location defaults
PREFIX /usr/local gnuplot PREFIX/bin gnuplot_x11 PREFIX/bin gnuplot.1 PREFIX/man/man1 gnuplot.gih PREFIX/share
The documentation is included in the source distribution. Look at the docs subdirectory, where you'll find
Does gnuplot support bar-charts/histograms/boxes?
Use the style "with boxes" for bar charts. To get filled boxes, you can try a modification by Steve Cumming and jturk, available via ftp from the contrib directory in /pub/gnuplot/contrib/gpl37fboxpatch.tar.gz.
Bernhard Reiter wrote an AWK script to post-process the fig-terminal output. Please have a look at breiter/tools/gnuplot/barcharts.en.html.
4.4 Does gnuplot support pie charts?
It's not possible in gnuplot, but have a look at breiter/tools/piechart/piecharts.en.html
4.8 Can I put both data files and commands into a single file?
This is possible by the new plot "-" possibility. The plot "-" command allows to read the data to be plot from standard input or the current batch job.
gnuplot> plot "-"
4.11 Can I put tic marks for x and y axes into 3d plots?
Use the "with boxes" option.
6.2 How do I run my data through a filter before plotting?
If your system supports the popen() function, as Unix does, you should be able to run the output through another process, for example a short awk program, such as
gnuplot> plot "< awk ' { print $1, $3/$2 } '"
The plot command is very powerful and is able to do some arithmetic on datafiles. See "help plot".
6.5 How do I plot lines (not grids) using splot?
If the data in a data file for splot is arranged in such a way that each one has the same number of data points (using blank lines as delimiters, as usual), splot will plot the data with a grid. If you want to plot just lines, use a different number of data entries (you can do this by doubling the last data point, for example). Don't forget to set parametric mode, of course.
7.4 Gnuplot is plotting nothing when run via gnuplot <filename>! What can I do?
Put a pause -1 after the plot command in the file. On an X-Window System system, you can also use the -persist option, the X11 window is then not closed. Close the X11 window by typing "q" when the focus is on it.
7.10 Calling gnuplot in a pipe or with a gnuplot-script doesn't produce a plot!
You can call gnuplot by using a short Perl-script like the following:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w open (GP, "|/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist") or die "no gnuplot"; # force buffer to flush after each write use FileHandle; GP->autoflush(1); print GP,"set term x11;plot '/tmp/data.dat' with lines\n"; close GP